Ear Candling

This non-invasive therapy involves the use of a long candle placed into the ear. The side that is out of the ear is lit, and a vacuum is created within the ear canal, coating the whole ear in beeswax. Excess earwax is drawn out of the ear canal, as the beeswax is removed. In some cases, impurities can also be drawn out. You’ll instantly be able to hear better because you won’t have the wax blocking the ability for sound waves to get through to your ear drums. It helps to get rid of various impurities in your ear, especially bacteria build-up and some viral infections. You can get rid of various ear aches, headaches, and sinus issues through this treatment.

The wax helps to remove sinus pressure, as the ears and nose are connected. When you get rid of the pressure, the pains start to disappear.   Many patients also share how ear candling has helped to rebalance their mental state. There are theories that it helps to purify the blood, drawing out the toxins that cause some health problems and   clouded mental states. The relief of pressure and blockages can also help to boost mental awareness and clarity.

By being able to think clearer, you’ll find it easier to keep your emotional state balanced. It becomes easier to focus on the situation and find solutions when you’re not dealing with symptoms of an ailment, a cold, or a build-up of wax.  Because of the emotional balance, many patients have noted that they feel calmer and happier within themselves.  When you feel happier and healthier, your body works the same way. Less stress means less inflammation in your body causing pain and other health problems.


45 mins  £38.00

Course of 4 treatments £138.00